Recycle Heart & Sole

Your previously-destined-for-the trash shoes are greatly desired by those who have none. The District is again partnering with Changing Footprints, a local not-for-profit organization that gets shoes on the feet of those in need right here in Indiana. We will be...

Holiday Recycling Done Right

It’s estimated that an additional 100 million tons of trash are generated every week between Thanksgiving and New Years Day. All that food, wrapping paper, cardboard and packing material adds up! So, we’re going to get you ready with some pointers for...

Back to School & Good Stewardship

Often times going back to school means establishing new routines and habits. Reading, Writing and ‘Rithmetic may be the three “R’s” you are thinking about at this time of year, but we want you to think about the other three:  Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle, as...

Open Burning: What You Should Know

Here’s a burning question…is it okay to burn trash in Hendricks County?  The answer is “NO!  It is against the law!” Burning trash of any kind is not allowed in Hendricks County (or any other Indiana county).  That includes things like construction material, furniture...

2018 Farmers’ Market Info

If you are working on being a locavore, it helps to have a plan.  Whether you are a Farmers’ Market newbie or a well-seasoned veteran, we have got the low-down on what you can expect to find in-season and when and where in Hendricks County. Why does it matter?...

Unwanted Medicine Dispsoal

If you have expired or unwanted medicines to get rid of, here’s what you should know: Medicines that are flushed down a toilet or washed down a drain ultimately end up in our water supply.  The chemicals used to manufacture today’s medicines often cannot...