4th Grade

Important Note: If you wish to select different programs for different dates, you may do so. However, you may only process one date/time request with each program selection session. This means that you MUST select the FIRST date/time you are requesting noting ONLY the programs requested for that specific date/time, then click "check availability" and return to the page to select the NEXT date/time for additional programs. Once all dates/times and programs have been submitted, you may process the order to complete the request.

Programs that Correlate with Fourth Grade Standards


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Our goal is to teach youth about waste reduction and environmental responsibility. Many of our programs meet or correlate with Indiana’s Academic Standards. This brochure outlines those programs that best relate to the grade level standards for your class. Review the programs listed below and contact us to get your in-class visit scheduled. We look forward to working with you!

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Rethink

Go through the average American family’s garbage and see how we can help them reduce, reuse, recycle and rethink!

Science: 4.ESS3-1
Social Studies: 4.E.3
English/Language Arts: 4.CC.1, 4.CC.2, 4.CC.4

Garbage Pizza

Have you ever wondered how much space cardboard, plastic or paper take up in the landfill? This is a fun way to learn math and science at the same time!

Math: 4.NS.5
English/Language Arts: 4.CC.1, 4.CC.2, 4.CC.4

Basketball STEM Challenge

Plan, Construct, and Test your design of a basketball tower/trophy made entirely of newspaper and masking tape to celebrate Hoosier Hysteria during the month of March

Science: 3-5.ETS1-1, 3-5-ETS1-2, 3-5-ETS1-3

Worms Are Still Eating My Garbage

Scheduled only Sept.-Nov. Learn about the red worm and how it turns garbage into compost. If desired, the class is left with a working vermicompost system and a “how to” book.

Science: 4.LS1-1

How Do They Do That?

What happens to the “stuff” we put in our recycling bin? It can find new life as lots of fun and useful things. This program explains the difference between making things from natural resources and recycling. Lots of samples of recycled content items are included in the program!

Science: 4.ESS3-1
Social Studies: 4.E.3
English/Language Arts: 4.CC.1, 4.CC.2, 4.CC.4


Read along with us as we enjoy “The Most Magnificent Thing” by Ashley Spires and make our own Junkbot from reused items you might find around the house.  Don’t worry if it doesn’t work the first time.

Science: 3-5.ETS1-1, 3-5-ETS1-2, 3-5-ETS1-3

English/Language Arts: 4.RC.1, 4.RC.3, 4.RC.5, 4.CC.1, 4.CC.2, 4.CC.4

Innovation: It’s in the Bag!

Learn about the inventor of this modern marvel, the paper bag! If you could make something that could solve a problem, what would you make?

Science: 3-5.ETS1-1, 3-5-ETS1-2, 3-5-ETS1-3
English/Language Arts: 4.RC.1, 4.RC.3, 4.RC.5, 4.CC.1, 4.CC.2, 4.CC.4

Water Pollution and Freddy the Fish

Follow the journey of our friend, Freddy the Fish, as he meanders down a stream.  Discover different sources of point and non-point source pollution and how to stop it.

Science: 4.LS.1


Find out what happens to plastics as they break down and what effects they can have on our environment in this hands-on presentation.

Science: 4.LS.1


 Students will “discover” what’s in a random bag of artifacts (reused objects) salvaged from a home and create a story using the objects for inspiration for time, setting, conflict and character.

English and Language Arts: 4.W.3

Rescue the Litter!

Oh no! There’s litter in the storm drain! Students will design and engineer contraptions that will rescue the litter from the “storm drain” using reused items from the recycle bin.

Science: 3-5.ETS1-1, 3-5-ETS1-2, 3-5-ETS1-3


Who Polluted White Lick Creek?

For those who love a mystery, this is a real “whodunit?”. Choose from a group of suspects and find out who polluted the creek and how. This program is about responsible disposal of Household Hazardous Waste.

Science: 4.LS1-1
English/Language Arts: 4.RC.1, 4.RC.3, 4.RC.5, 4.CC.1, 4.CC.2, 4.CC.4

Packaging and Materials Engineering

Students become Materials Engineers to solve the problem of sustainably packaging common substances using different materials.

Science: 3-5.ETS1-1, 3-5-ETS1-2, 3-5-ETS1-3

Recycle For Your Health!

Using a model, students will discover how improper disposal and handling of hazardous materials can affect an ecosystem.

Science: 4.LS1-1

Santa’s Sleigh

Using the engineering process and reused materials, we will make a sleigh for Santa to deliver his packages.

Science: 3-5.ETS1-1, 3-5-ETS1-2, 3-5-ETS1-3

“Grow a Heart, Grinch!”

Using a reused water bottle and a balloon, we will help the Grinch grow his heart.

Science: 3-5.ETS1-1, 3-5-ETS1-2, 3-5-ETS1-3

The Boat Challenge

Using the engineering process, students will make a floating boat that can hold weight.

Science: 3-5.ETS1-1, 3-5-ETS1-2, 3-5-ETS1-3

Purdue University: The Nature of Teaching

“Food Waste from Farm to Fork”
From a unit that “highlights the resources required to produce food and the food  wasted along each step of the food production system.”

Math: 4.DA.1
: 4.CC.1, 4.CC.2, 4.CC.4

“The Apple Falls Far from the Tree”
“This unit is designed to teach students about food waste and ways they can help reduce it.”

Math: 4.DA.1
4.CC.1, 4.CC.2, 4.CC.4

Plastic Bag Parachute STEM Activity

Using reused plastic shopping bags, students are challenged to create a parachute that will safely land a passenger.

Science: 3-5.ETS1-1, 3-5-ETS1-2, 3-5-ETS1-3

Hatchet: A Book Study

This 4 session hands-on book study is complete with a classroom set of books, provided on a limited basis.  Read Gary Paulsen’s Hatchet along with us as we learn what it would be like to survive in the wild like “Brian”.  Use your resources to make shelter, solar ovens, and journals.  Wrap it up by using what you’ve learned in a game of “Enviro-Survivor”.

English/Language Arts: 4.RC.1, 4.RC.3, 4.RC.5, 4.CC.1, 4.CC.2, 4.CC.4


Model the construction of a landfill with materials that help save surrounding waterways from pollution.

Science: 3-5.ETS1-1, 3-5-ETS1-2, 3-5-ETS1-3

Berry Natural Packaging

You are out picking berries when you realize you have no way to get them home. Using the engineering design process, your students will design packaging to carry their berries home with items that can be found outside (leaves, sticks, bark, etc).

Science: 3-5.ETS1-1, 3-5-ETS1-2, 3-5-ETS1-3